The best tomato paste 720 gr. in glass jars CHI CHI LAS
June 16, 2024Fresh tomatoes are healthier than tomato paste ?
June 18, 2024
A few points about the use of tomato paste that must be observed can be mentioned in terms of product quality, standardization and how to store the product. For more information, pay attention to the contents of this section.

Some points about using tomato paste
Unfortunately, when using the paste, consumers usually use inappropriate containers and the paste gets moldy, and by removing the mold from the product, they use of it, while the product is completely contaminated . This mold is very harmful and can even cause various types of cancer such as liver cancer. It is recommended to store the paste in glass containers and make sure the lid is closed. If mold and fungus are observed on the surface of the product, be sure to throw the product away and avoid using of it. Another point is that when buying a product, be sure to:
Operation license
Production License
health license
Standard license
Construction Series
Confirmation of the Ministry of Health
Product health logos
Product packaging type
Note. Glass packaging is the best type of packaging and the consumer should pay attention to these points to buy a quality product.
Observance health norms, for example, using a dry and clean spoon when removing the paste from inside the container, can prevent contamination of the food and, as a result, its mold.
Tomato protects the body against free radicals
Tomatoes contain powerful anti-free radical agents. Tomato flavonoid antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lycopene act as an excellent nutrient in fighting free radicals in the body and protect the body against them. This effect of tomatoes will lead to a healthy life and a healthy body.
Tomatoes also have significant effects to prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases.

What foods is tomato paste used in?
Tomato paste is used in most foods such as:
All kinds of meat foods
All kinds of fried foods
Preparation of ketchup
All kinds of canned food are used.
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