Pomegranate sauce chi chi las , glass bottle ,280 gr.
July 28, 2023Quality in tomato paste chi chi las
July 30, 2023
Steps to prepare homemade tomato paste:
Washing tomatoes
Add water
Cooking tomatoes
Skip the filter
Separation of tomato skin and seeds
water intake
Heating tomato juice
Add salt
to thicken
Add oil
Preparation of tomato paste
Tomato paste is rich in vitamins, acids and other beneficial substances:
Vitamin series: A, B1, B2, C, E.
Minerals: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium.
organic acids.
Alimentary fiber.
Active substances: thiamine, serotonin.
For the production of tomato paste, the ripest tomatoes of a special red variety are selected. They are pre-peeled, seeds are removed and boiled, as a result of which the liquid evaporates, and the concentration of solids increases.
Cooking tomato paste without sugar
Tomato paste has a natural sourness, in fact, it is valued in cooking. To balance the tomato flavor, not only salt, but also sugar is usually added to the paste. But in this recipe, we suggest getting by with just adding salt, so that the taste of the finished paste is as close as possible to natural tomatoes. For such a preparation, fleshy, dense fruits with thick walls and a minimum amount of juice will be ideal raw materials.
Tomato paste in factories:
Receive tomatoes
Preliminary washing of tomatoes
sorting и washing tomatoes
Chopping tomatoes
Primary cooking
formalization tank
Tomato juice concentrate
Filling in cans and packaging
Pasteurization of filled cans
Passing a cold shower
Labeling and packaging
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