The good price tomato paste chi chi las
The price of good tomato paste in the country depends on the brand and quality of the produced product, and the type of packaging and design has a great impact on the packages.
Types of tomato paste
The collection of Khazar Osare Varna has been able to produce a very best-selling brand in various packages and weights with a beautiful design that shows the taste and elegance of the producer for the domestic and export markets.
Tin cans
Glass jars
Tin packaging
Aseptic barrels for export
The concentration percentage of this type of paste is very standard and is a sign of the quality of tomato paste.
Market buying tomato paste Chi chi las
Our suggestion for you to choose the best tomato paste that is 100% natural is Chi Chi Las brand tomato paste, we guarantee that this product is very high quality.
This product is distributed in various packages with excellent quality in the country and in the export sector.
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
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