Wholesale price of tomato paste
The effect of concentration on the wholesale price of tomato paste
As you know, the taste and nutritional style of the people of each region is different and the producers want tomato paste products to be consumed by all classes with any taste. Tomato paste is produced with different concentrations and supplied to the consumer market. The concentration and amount of tomato and salt used in tomato paste has a significant impact on the price of the product. But it should be noted that the low concentration is not the reason for the poor quality of the product, it is only different in the amount of concentration. Including:
Thick and hard tomato paste with Brix 27-29%
diluted tomato paste with Brix 18-20%
Wholesale price of canned tomato paste
The main price of tomato paste in tin cans varies depending on the type of concentration and the type of lid in the packaging and today, due to economic problems and the fluctuation of the dollar price, they do not have fixed prices.
Wholesale price of tomato paste
Due to the fluctuation of the dollar price and its effect on the price of the products, it is not possible to put a fixed rate of the price of the products on the sites. Therefore, the price of tomato paste products is not excluded from this, and can contact the consultants of Food Industries Company Khazar Osare Varna, which produces tomato paste with Chi Chi Las and Monji brands, to know the latest prices of tomato paste.
Why are the prices of canned tomato paste different?
The price of tomato paste, apart from the exchange rate fluctuation, has different prices due to the variety in the type of lid and their weight and concentration percentage. Chi Chi Las tomato paste, in tin cans in weights:
400 grams
800 grams
3000 grams
5000 grams
Produced and packaged. Door types include:
Normal door
Easy to open door
Easy opening door with plastic cover

Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
Email address: foodkov@yahoo.com