Distribution Chi Chi Las tomato paste with production price
October 4, 2021High quality tomato paste sachet
October 1, 2022
Export the best canned tomato paste
As you know, tomato paste plays a very important role in the flavor and color of food, and all consumers are looking for natural tomato paste. Therefore, by using modern and mechanized devices and experienced staff and young management, Khazar Ocare Varna Company has been able to produce tomato paste with the Chi Chi Las brand, completely natural and without any additives, in different packages and weights, including paste. We produce canned tomatoes with three types of lids: simple, easy to open, easy to open with a plastic lid in weights of (250, 400, 800, 4000 grams) and deliver them to our consumers inside and outside the country.
Specifications of canned tomato paste
Khazar Ocare Varna Food Industries company produces and supplies its tomato paste products with the following specifications:
- BRICS 27%
- Made from pure paste
- 1.5% salt
- No additives
- Without the use of color enhancers
- Has a standard mark
- It has a green apple logo of the Food and Drug Organization
- with the nutritional value table
- Has a production and expiration date
- In shirings of 6, 12, 24 numbers
- No thickeners
- high durability
Export canned tomato paste
Chi Chi Las metal cans of tomato paste are sent to different countries and every year a very large volume of this product is exported to these countries, including:
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Russia
- Armenia
- Kazakhstan
- Pakistan
- qatar
- Romania
- Belarus
- Poland
- African countries

Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
Email address: foodkov@yahoo.com