Nowadays, thanks to new technologies, the production of tomato paste is carried out through aseptic processing. Aseptic manufacturing and packing is the loading of a technically sterilized commodity into sterilized plastic accompanied by strategies that can lead to sealing with a hygienic closure in a microorganism-free atmosphere. Owing to the combination of vitamins A and C and other elements, tomato serves as one of the most popular crops, playing a significant role in the well being of communities. It comes in paste, ready meals, soup, stew, paste, liquid ketchup sauce, puree, and tomato juice forms. It is ingested. This project’s principal objective is to identify orders to successfully carry for the manufacture of high-quality aseptic paste so that it can be sold on a broad market and suit the expectations of customers. The term aseptic is used a lot and in most cases, it refers to the type of packaging. Many standards are used in the packaging and production of aseptic tomato paste, this type of packaging is more common for the export of tomato paste.
The production of aseptic tomato paste means that the packaging materials and containers of the tomato paste are sterilized first, and then the tomato paste is poured into them under a vacuum condition, and the packaging is done in a condition that prevents the entry and penetration of microbes. and these conditions can prevent the growth of microbes again. Aseptic production in Iran has been accepted for the export of paste to European countries, and tomato paste production is done less. The tomato paste production line has a more complex structure than bulk production and packaging in metal cans. In this type of packaging, the use of different packaging devices for paste in metal cans will not be used, and of course, the export of paste is done less with this method.
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
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