Iran tomato paste tin 17 k. chi chi las
September 10, 2024The most popular and the best selling tomato paste
September 14, 2024
Distribution of organic (natural) tomato paste with the Chi Chi Las brand in various types of packaging and weights for the domestic and export markets, order registration is done through the contact numbers on this page and for loading from the factory door.
Distribution of organic tomato paste
Food Industry Company Khazar Osare Varna is responsible for distributing organic tomato paste under Chi Chi Las brand in the country. This company, in addition to distributing organic tomato paste products, is a producer and exporter of organic tomato paste products under the Chi Chi Las brand.
What is organic tomato paste?
To grow organic crops, everything must be natural in agriculture. It means that not only during planting, growing and harvesting, no poisons or chemical fertilizers have been used, but the following compounds should not be used be used in the combinations of these products:
the preservatives
Other chemicals
These products do not contain any unnatural and harmful substances, including heavy metals, synthetic chemicals, and can be consumed safely.
Distribution of tomato paste
The activity of industries of Khazar Osare Varna for the production of organic tomato paste for use of natural and organic raw materials from the first-class farms of the country and the use of the standard production process and industrial research of Iran and the Deputy Food and Drug Ministry of the Ministry of Health prompted this company to carry out its activities in the field of organic and first-class products.
Distributing organic tomato paste to different places
This production company, apart from distributing organic tomato paste products in the country, also distributes Chi Chi Las organic products in neighboring countries. And because of this, these products are seen in the market of most Middle Eastern countries. Including:
African countries
Packaging types of organic tomato paste
Chi Chi Las 100% natural tomato paste is produced in various weights from 250 grams, 750 grams, 1000 grams to 18000 grams, and in cans, glass and tin cans.
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
Email address: