Expired tomato paste has very little nutritional value and its use can be harmful to human health. In general, industrial products can be used within a certain time frame due to their preservatives. This means that after the expiry date written on the product, the preservatives lose their quality and strength. For this reason, they no longer have the ability to deal with bacteria, molds, etc.
In relation to tomato paste, the date of production and expiration on the can shows how long the ingredients used in the preparation of the paste will retain their properties. Therefore, their consumption is not only not nutritious, but can also be very harmful to human health. Considering this issue, it is better to seriously avoid buying expired products.
The tomato paste of the past has certain characteristics that should not be ignored. The first characteristic of past history paste is its unnatural texture and color. Usually the appearance of tomato paste is uniform and rotten paste does not have this characteristic. On the other hand, it does not give the natural taste of tomatoes and has an unpleasant taste. Usually, according to the quality of tomatoes and the production process of the paste, the lightness and darkness of its color is different.
The more natural the color of tomato paste is, the more similar it is to the color of tomatoes, means its higher quality. Also, industrial pastes should not have sunken or swollen cans, because this indicates that the paste is rotten and carcinogenic. Ready-made and industrial pastes usually have an expiration date of up to 18 months due to the preservatives they contain and cannot be consumed after that. Don’t forget that these pastes contain a lot of lycopene, which prevents the occurrence of various types of cancer. So when the paste expires, this feature is reduced and works the other way around.
Food Industry Company Khazar Osare Varna with more than two decades of successful experience and having a complete set of knowledge, ability, experience and expertise and benefiting from experts and experienced forces, while providing a wide range of specialized commercial services, export tomato paste in Different weights at the international level.
Duties on expired tomato paste can cause many dangerous diseases such as cancer. On the other hand, outdated food products are the main cause of food poisoning. Canned products have high acidity and can be used for up to 16 or 18 months. Therefore, these substances can cause many problems for humans after 18 months.
In general, tomato paste has a very high nutritional value and is usually used in a large number of home dishes. Due to the high consumption of these raw materials in cooking, not paying attention to its healthiness can have very serious risks for human health. Carcinogenicity is one of the most worrisome side effects of pastes in history and should not be taken lightly.
Molds are a type of dangerous fungus that can lead to the production of toxins in past-date tomato paste and spoil it. The micotoxin produced by the paste mold can cause severe allergic reactions and endanger human health. On the other hand, these allergic reactions in the body of people who have a weak immune system can cause death.
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