Pomegranate paste is one of the most nutritious and useful condiments with excellent taste, which is obtained from fresh pomegranate juice.
Food Industry Company Khazar Osare varna, with more than two decades of successful experience and having a complete set of knowledge, ability, experience and expertise and benefiting from experts and experienced personnel, while providing a wide range of specialized commercial services, exports Chi Chi Pomegranate sauce at the international level. One of the target countries that are customers of Iranian products, especially pomegranate paste, is Iraq, in such a way that the producers, by raising the quality level, bring the manufactured product to the export stage and export it to Iraq.
Exported pomegranate sauce has high quality, transparent color and stylish packaging to attract the eyes of the buyer and buy it. For export, you should pay attention to several points.
First of all, the production quality of the product must be high and have better quality than the type available in the domestic market.
Second: The quality of packaging should be high quality and attract customers.
Third: In transportation, they must be loaded and packed in such a way that the shipment receives the least damage and reaches the destination safely.
Industrial pomegranate paste has no problems with pasteurization and has a longer shelf life and does not get moldy.
Exported pomegranate paste has a higher price due to its high quality.
Some businessmen try to sell exported pomegranate sauce inside the country in order to get more profit from this product at home and abroad.
Exported pomegranate paste, like the domestic type, has many properties and is recommended for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.
According to researchers and experts, pomegranate paste prevents cancer and cures cancers such as breast, prostate, stomach and intestine.
In addition to its positive effect on cancer, this food is recommended for people with blood sugar and diabetes and it will make the body work in the best way when faced with insulin.
Pomegranate paste is also useful for clarifying skin and hair.
This is because it has high amounts of antioxidants and it is the antioxidant in pomegranate paste that prevents cancer.
If you don’t use pomegranate paste, be sure to add this excellent and tasty seasoning to your diet so that you will be surprised by the wonderful effects of pomegranate paste and it will help you and your family’s health.
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
Email address: foodkov@yahoo.com