The price of good tomato paste
November 12, 2022Order Iranian tomato paste chi chi las
November 13, 2022
Export Tomato paste chi chi las to Russia
The export of Chi Chi Las tomato paste to Russia was done at the same time as Mazandaran trade house was opened in Volgograd.
The continuous export of this unique product has created a competitive platform with other brands.
The largest exporter and importer of tomato paste
The largest exporters of tomato paste in the world are Italy, China, America, Spain, Portugal, and Turkey, which are our competitors in exporting this product.
The biggest importers of tomato paste in the world are Germany, England, Japan and France.
Export to Russia
As reported in the news, the opening of the Mazandaran Chamber of Commerce in Volgograd, Russia, was accompanied by an accompanying delegation consisting of the governor and the head of the Chamber of Commerce and managers and officials of the public and private sectors.
Among the managers and exhibitors of this exhibition, there was also the management of the food industry group of Khazar Osare Varna, producer of Chi Chi Las tomato paste, which is one of the several participating members of this trade hall.
Chi Chi Las tomato paste
Chi Chi Las tomato paste has features such as those mentioned below:
Materials: tin cans, glass, tin, bulk, aseptic, sachets and dual packs
Ingredients: pure and first grade tomatoes with standard amount of salt
Low weight door type: simple door, easy open and easy open with plastic cover
Birix standard
Has a health and green apple health food and drug license
In half-carton and full-carton packages
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
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