Organic tomato paste aseptic 245 kg.
Organic tomato paste aseptic 245 kg. with Chi Chi Las brand, which is produced by Factory Khazar Osare Varna and exported to different countries.
What is aseptic?
You may have heard the word aseptic many times in the food industry. Aseptic is one of the production processes in the food industry and is a process method for pre-sterilized liquid products (especially food or medicine). The aseptic process can provide the ability for a stable product that does not require refrigeration. Aseptic knowledge is one of the important technologies in pharmaceutical, food and health industry. Being aware of all the details and conditions that an aseptic product must have in food exports is an important principle that food exporters must keep in mind.
Aseptic packaging process
The aseptic process consists of three primary steps: heat sterilization of the product, sterilization of the packaging and preservation of sterilization during packaging. To ensure the sterilization process, the aseptic process must preserve and maintain all the characteristics of the product, and it is necessary to maintain these items in production. Such an issue shows that the sterilization conditions are correct and maintained throughout the aseptic process. The aseptic packaging process includes the following:
Sterilizing the packaging material or container and closing it before it is filled with tomato paste
Sterilization of equipment involved in tomato paste processing
Maintaining sterilization throughout the production system
Characteristics of aseptic tomato paste
Concentrated juice from first grade tomato
Tomato paste with Brix 36-38
Pure tomato paste without additives
No salt
without preservatives
Tomato paste is filled in special bags and then placed in aseptic barrels
in net weight 235 kg.
Blue metal barrels
Very hard and thick texture
Easy maintenance
Long shelf life of tomato paste
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
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