Pickled garlic is one of the types of pickles that has many fans and is very hearty. You can eat this pickle with your food. Garlic has high nutritional value. Pickled garlic is one of the most popular pickles and seasonings, along with very delicious Iranian dishes, especially in the north, which is used in all seasons and is very useful in terms of treatment.
Pickled garlic is one of the most popular Iranian pickles, which is usually prepared in two ways: immediate and seven-year-old, and the multi-year pickle has more fans. Patients can also eat it without any problem.
We all know that raw garlic has wonderful properties, but raw garlic, which is very hot in nature, is not recommended for hot-tempered people, such as those with a bilious temperament, because it causes allergies and sensitivities. For this reason, by placing garlic next to vinegar for a long time, pickled garlic is produced, and the change in its nature has caused such people not to experience the side effects of consuming raw garlic. Of course, be sure to remember that if there is too much salt in pickled garlic, its consumption is very dangerous and harmful for people with high blood pressure.
Pickled garlic is a nutrient-rich seasoning rich in folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and a small amount of zinc and vitamins B2 and B1. Eating pickled garlic has all the benefits of eating garlic itself. But it does this without the aftertaste of garlic or the bad odor that occurs when using dried or fresh garlic. If you intend to lose weight with this food, it is better to use garlic along with other vegetables and aromatic foods such as parsley and lemon, but consuming this pickle alone with food can increase your appetite.
Here are some of the health benefits of pickled garlic:
The properties of pickled garlic that you read are many and varied. Its benefits range from treating colds to treating heart problems. But, the benefits don’t stop at your health. Pickled garlic is also a very good spice that adds a unique flavor to your food. That is why it is popular with everyone.
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