If you’ve got a lot of garlic on your hands and want a way to preserve it, then try this easy pickle. A simple pickling brine with cider vinegar, sugar, peppercorns and mustard seeds will turn your leftover garlic cloves into a tangy pickle that’s delicious served as part of a ploughman’s, alongside cheese and cold meats or on the side of your favourite barbecue dishes.
Garlic pickle is a rich source of antioxidants, amino acids and vitamin B among other nutrients, which helps us to deal with many health issues. Take a look at the various health benefits of garlic pickle.
1. Good for heart health: Garlic pickle helps to reduce cholesterol levels and triglycerides. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which prevent atherosclerosis and blood circulation problems. Garlic protects heart health by preventing blood clots and blocks, which cause heart attack.
2. Improves Metabolism: Garlic pickle helps in maintaining the level of iron in the blood. If the level of hemoglobin in the body is low, there may be a risk of anemia. Regular intake of garlic or garlic pickle could help to improve metabolism. A good metabolism keeps anemia at bay.
3. Strengthen immunity: If the immunity in the body is weak, then the risk of the flu is high. If garlic pickle is included in the daily diet, the body gets the strength to fight against cold, cough, and seasonal diseases.
4. Anti-aging: Garlic has the power to fight the anti-aging elements. By eating garlic pickles, you can get relief from premature wrinkles, dark spots and fine lines.
5. Treats Arthritis: Garlic reduces the pain caused by arthritis. The spread of arthritis can also be prevented by consuming garlic regularly, either raw or pickled. So if you are suffering from arthritis pain, you can start consuming garlic.
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