Selling colorful tomato paste with suitable price
Currently, tomato paste under the brand name Chi Chi Las is produced by Food Industry khazar Osare Varna .The tomato paste produced in the factory is completely approved in terms of health and all stages of the paste production are mechanized using industrial machines and the temperature is adjusted to produce the product in such a way that the nutritional value of the paste is maintained.

Chi Chi Las tomato paste
Tomato paste is a thick paste obtained from tomatoes and is a popular product that is usually one of the main items used in Iranian cooking and gives good color and taste to food. Even in the old days, families used tomato paste in They prepared it at home and few people bought industrial tomato paste, but gradually with the establishment of factories producing this product and the change in lifestyle, no one prepared tomato paste in the traditional way, and now the majority of people use industrial tomato paste.

A tomato paste should be purchased from very unique signs and characteristics, which we mention a few examples:
Quality can be considered the most important feature of this type of product because it has been approved by buyers and the quality of this type of product is being improved day by day.
The type of packaging can also be the most important criterion because this feature has an important connection with the health of the product in question.
The delicious taste and color of this product should also be taken into consideration.
Types of industrial tomato paste chi chi las
Chi Chi Las industrial tomato paste is available in different packages such as:
Tinned can tomato paste
Glass tomato paste
Tinned tomato paste
Tomato paste in aseptic barrels (export)
Tomato paste
Sachet packages
Pocket packaging ( Doi pack)
What is the price of tomato paste?
Because of the inflation of the dollar, the price of tomato paste is changeable and updated and it is also calculated in foreign currency. The price of chi chi las paste is calculated based on the following:
capacity of order
time of buying
Internal sales
Selling for export
Buy from the factory
Buy from an intermediary
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
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