High quality glass tomato paste
October 15, 2022seller of tomato paste 350 gr.
October 16, 2022
Standards in tomato paste
Tomato is one of the most widely consumed agricultural products. The use of fresh tomatoes has been expanding because of the increasing tendency of people to consume all kinds of salads and the use of tomato products such as sauce and tomato paste because of the familiarity of the countries of the world with tomato products and the emergence of export fields.
Tomato paste is one of the most important tomato products, which is produced in various forms such as bulk, aseptic and canned.
Iran’s national standard organization has not provided any recommendation about aseptic tomato paste, and the standard related to bulk tomato paste is more focused on Rules of maintenance.

Definitions of tomato paste
Standards related to physical and chemical properties
The physical and chemical properties of tomato paste mean properties such as Brix (the amount of solids content), the amount of salt, pH, etc., based on which the quality of tomato paste can be evaluated.
The tomato paste standards based on the physical and chemical characteristics provided by the National Standard Organization are as follows:
The amount of filling
The degree of fullness of tomato paste according to the national organizational standards of Iran should be at least 90%.
Brix of tomato paste is at least 25% according to the tomato paste standards of the National Standard Organization.

The acidity of tomato paste is determined by the pH index.
According to the tomato paste standards of the National Standard Organization, the pH of tomato paste should be at most 4.3.
edible salt
The only permitted additive added to tomato paste is edible salt.
The amount of edible salt that can be added to tomato paste, according to the standards of the National Standard Organization, is a maximum of 1.5%.
Remaining skin with dimensions of 1 to 3 mm
The pieces of tomato skin left over from the peeling process should not exceed 10 pieces each can, according to the standards of the National Organization for Standardization.
According to the regulations of the National Standards Organization of Iran, adding any color and preservatives to tomato paste is prohibited. The only permitted additive that is added to tomato paste for better taste is edible salt, which should not be more than 1.5%.
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