Origin and history of tomatoes
January 23, 2023Export of tomato paste from Iran
January 29, 2023
What is tomato paste?
Tomato paste is a thick, concentrated tomato sauce. Depending on how long you cook or dry it, it will be thicker and more concentrated. In some areas of the world, it’s sun-dried until very little water is left in the mixture
As you can probably guess, the main ingredient in tomato paste is tomatoes. Whether or not you add other ingredients is totally up to you. Some people add olive oil, others add peppers (such as bell peppers or Italian peppers). Whether or not you add salt is also up to you.
How to make tomato paste, step by step
Rinse the tomatoes well, remove the stems, and cut into chunks.
Fill a blender jar with the tomato chunks and blend until the tomatoes have all reduced to a fine sauce.
To strain out the seeds and skin, place a mesh strainer or food mill over a large pot on the stove (or over the crock of a slow cooker pot). Pour the tomato sauce into the strainer. Use a spoon or a spatula to press the tomato sauce through the strainer into the pot below.
Repeat with the remaining tomatoes. If you want to add red peppers or other vegetables, now is the time to do it.
Storage tips
Tomato paste keeps in the freezer for months and refrigerator 3-4 weeks.
Be sure to use very clean glass jars or sterilized jars for refrigerator storage.
Before refrigerating, pour a thin layer of olive oil on the top of the paste. This creates a seal which helps prevent mold formation.
Silicone ice cube trays that hold 2 tablespoons per portion are perfect for freezer storage — fill, freeze and pop out the cubes you need for your recipe.
Cooking tomato paste without sugar
Tomato paste has a natural sourness, in fact, it is valued in cooking. To balance the tomato flavor, not only salt, but also sugar is usually added to the paste. But in this recipe, we suggest getting by with just adding salt, so that the taste of the finished paste is as close as possible to natural tomatoes. For such a preparation, fleshy, dense fruits with thick walls and a minimum amount of juice will be ideal raw materials.
tomato paste in factories:
Receive tomatoes
Preliminary washing of tomatoes
sorting и washing tomatoes
Chopping tomatoes
Primary cooking
formalization tank
Tomato juice concentrate
Filling in cans and packaging
Pasteurization of filled cans
Passing a cold shower
Labeling and packaging
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