Distribution tomato paste with production price
September 27, 2023Tomato paste in packet with high quality chi chi las
October 1, 2023
Tomato paste Chi Chi Las, Monji, Grahans
Natural tomato paste Chi Chi Las, Monji, Grahans in weights and types of packaging for sale in the country and partial export to different countries are available For ordering and price information.
What is a quality tomato paste? what is the package of tomato paste ?
100% natural tomato paste
Factories usually use oval-shaped tomatoes because they are more fleshy and juicy. Tomatoes should be completely red and ripe. If all these points, as well as the principles of cooking and sanitary conditions are observed. You can be sure that the tomato paste is high quality.
Tomato paste Chi Chi las , Monji , Grahans
The industrial complex Khazar Osare Varna, the manufacturer of tomato paste of the famous brands Chi Chi Las, Monji, Grahans, was able to follow all the rules for the production for satisfaction their consumers, in terms of quality, aroma, taste and type of packaging, and also quality.
These products are sold in a variety of packages which include:
Tomato paste in tin cans, weights 350, 800, 1000, 4000 gr
Tomato paste in glass jars 750, 1000, 1550 gr
Tomato paste in a metal can 9000 , 17000gr
Tomato paste in packet or sachets in different weights
Types of door in different Packing Included:
Simple door ( without key )
Door with key
Door with key and plastic cover
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
Email address: foodkov@yahoo.com