Selling of tomato paste 400 gr. easy open door
March 29, 2023Production and export of tomato paste in Iran
April 5, 2023
Tomato paste in glass jars 720 gr.
Sale of tomato paste in glass jars 720 gr. with the Chi Chi Las brand from the products of the food industry company Khazar Osare Varna.
Among the characteristics of tomato paste in this collection are the following:
Made from high quality varieties of tomatoes
Natural color and excellent flavor
1.5% salt
No preservatives
In weight 250 / 1000 /1500 gr.
Tomato paste 720 gr. in pack 12 pieces
Tomato paste 1550 gr. in pack 6 pieces
Features of glass tomato paste
See the quality and color of tomato paste when buying
Thick and economical
Easy of storage
Has the latest international standards and quality standards
No preservatives
Food and Drug Administration with Apple Health logo
Has a nutritional value table for 30 grams of product
Hygiene, washable
Neutralize glass and its lack of reaction with tomato paste
Preserve the color and taste of the paste
Create high shelf life in case of oxidation protection
Easy to use and store
Thick and economical Brix (27-29%)
Has the latest quality standards
Natural color and pleasant taste
With Apple Health logo
1.5% salt
Provide a more beautiful view of the products inside it
More interest between clients

Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
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