Tomato paste is one of the main and most widely used ingredients in the preparation of various foods. For this reason, it is used daily in most homes. Considering this issue, it is very important to use high-quality tomato paste. The most important unique benefits of tomato paste are in the treatment of anemia, which perhaps many people are unaware of. Unfortunately, today there are various reasons that cause anemia in different people, especially women. Therefore, daily use of tomato paste can help prevent and treat this problem. For this purpose, we are going to introduce you to the effect of tomato paste in the treatment of anemia.
Tomato paste contains a significant amount of nutrients that are essential for better absorption of iron in the body. The best way to get iron is to eat foods that contain iron. This nutrient can improve the quality of carrying oxygen in red blood cells and prevent anemia in the body. The important thing is that in many cases, iron is not well absorbed by the body. Therefore, using vitamin C can help the body absorb more iron.
Fresh and high-quality tomato paste is a rich source of vitamin C. For this reason, it can play a very effective role in improving the quality of iron absorption by the body. The very high antioxidant in tomato paste can help prevent the causes of anemia. In general, with the investigations conducted on the properties of tomato paste, it has been determined that the daily consumption of one spoon of it can provide about 6% of the body’s need for iron, potassium and group B vitamins.
Treatment of anemia depends on the amount of iron absorbed by the body. Note that the iron in food is absorbed by the body in both “heme” and “non-heme” forms. “Heme” is the iron found in plant proteins and “non-heme” is the iron found in plants. In general, “heme” iron constitutes 40% and “non-heme” iron constitutes 60% of the iron needed by the body. It is a little more difficult to absorb the plant type of this nutrient, and it is possible to increase the absorption power of this type of iron by using vitamin C and antioxidants.
Vitamin C present in tomato paste can lead to better absorption of “non-heme” iron. On the other hand, daily consumption of fresh tomatoes is not possible for many people. Therefore, it is easy to meet this need by daily consumption of high-quality tomato paste. On the other hand, tomato paste itself contains a significant amount of iron, which can help provide part of the iron needed by the body. Lycopene is another nutrient found in tomato paste, which is known as a very strong antioxidant. This antioxidant can prevent the occurrence of many diseases such as stomach cancer, anemia, strokes, blood clots, etc.
Tomato paste has other benefits, the most important of which are strengthening the body’s immunity, improving the prostate, preventing cardiovascular diseases, reducing the aging process, etc. But if you want to use this food to treat anemia, it is better to pay attention to a few points.
How to store tomato paste has a very effective role in its effectiveness in treating anemia. Usually, glass or plastic containers are a better choice for storing tomato paste. It is also better to keep these foods in the refrigerator. In this case, the growth of bacteria inside the paste can be prevented and its properties can be fully preserved. If you want to store the paste for a long time, you can put it in the refrigerator.
The properties of tomato paste in the treatment of anemia and other diseases cannot be ignored. But don’t forget that consuming too much tomato paste can also be harmful to the body. For example, some people may be allergic to the paste and experience allergic reactions such as shortness of breath. Also, excessive consumption of paste causes digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea. Poor quality tomato paste also has a high amount of salt. Therefore, they can lead to high blood pressure. For this reason, it is better to observe balance in the consumption of this food.
Food Industries Company Khazar Osare Varna with more than two decades of successful experience and having a complete set of knowledge, ability, experience and expertise and benefiting from experts and experienced forces, while providing a wide range of specialized commercial services, export tomato paste in Different weights at the international level.
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