Suitable tomatoes for preparing tomato paste
November 16, 2022shopping center tomato paste 1kg.
November 19, 2022
Buy tomato paste from the factory
Buying tomato paste from the factory requires communicating with the sales unit and the manufacturing company to get the necessary information and guidance.
What is tomato paste?
Tomato paste is a widely used seasoning in the preparation of all kinds of food, which is used to add flavor and taste, and its raw materials are prepared from healthy red tomatoes. In general, tomatoes, whether raw or cooked or in the form of a paste, have many properties. which is produced both at home and in a factory.
It should be noted that if cooking principles are not followed in the preparation of tomato paste in the two mentioned ways, it has no nutritional value.
factory tomato paste
For the preparation of factory tomato paste, less manpower is used and the products are prepared in a mechanized manner and in hygienic conditions and according to standard rules. Pasteurized temperature and indirect heat maintain the properties of the paste. The disadvantages of this type of paste appear when some manufacturers use unauthorized additives in the sales discussion and for more profit.
On this site, which belongs to Food Industries Khazar osare Varna , a producer of tomato paste with Chi Chi Las, Monji and Grahans brands. We note that these brands are produced with high quality and honestly, and no non-virtual materials, including:
No additives
Chemical preservative
Color enhancers
Thickeners (pumpkin, onion, potato, starch) are not used in it.
Homemade tomato paste
To prepare homemade tomato paste, which has been prepared since ancient times, people did not know about its properties and prepared it only for coloring and flavoring food, but today it is clear that preparing homemade paste on direct and intense heat improves the properties of tomatoes. It completely destroys. In addition, it is sometimes observed that for the sale of homemade paste, in order to prevent early mold and for longer shelf life, chemicals called sodium benzoate are added, which is considered a very dangerous substance for the health of the body. The method of preparing homemade tomato paste briefly includes:
Washing tomatoes
Add water
Cooking tomatoes
The filter
Separation of tomato skin and seeds
water intake
Heating tomato juice
Add salt
Add oil
Buy tomato paste
Buyers who intend to buy tomato paste. It is recommended to buy homemade tomato paste from trusted people. Otherwise, research the best brand of factory tomato paste and use industrial tomato paste.
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