The Double Concentrated Tomato Puree is bold, dense and intense, and in its various versions is ideal to enhance the color, taste and texture of your dishes. This is a traditional product as its resistance to long cooking times makes it ideal for sauce and stews, but it is surprisingly successful in bringing out the best in quicker, more creative recipes: from the dressing of pies and quiches, to delicious side sauces and tasty pestos with pasta. It takes 5.5 kg of fresh tomatoes to make 1 kg of Double Concentrated Tomato Puree.
Chopped Tomatoes, Tomato Puree, Sieved Tomatoes and Peeled Tomatoes are the CHI CHI LAS Tomato Essentials. Different in terms of color, taste and texture, each product has its own character and personality. The Tomato Puree has a dark red color, an intense flavor and a paste-like soft texture.
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
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