Pickled pepper is one of the pickles that bring diversity to Iranian tables in addition to different taste. Chi Chi Las jalapeno pepper pickle is a delicious pickle with a spicy and sour taste that goes well with authentic Iranian dishes such as stews and kebabs. It will be great; This spicy pickle is served with a variety of salads and hot and cold dishes.

Export of pickled jalapeno peppers Chi Chi Las
Chi Chi Las jalapeno pepper pickles are exported to different countries as one of the most popular and high quality products. Some of the countries that are exported are:
- European countries
- Saudi Arabia
- Russia
- Romania
- United Arab Emirates
- Asian countries
Why is this product popular?
Pickled jalapeno peppers have many benefits in addition to having nutritional properties and special taste.
Here are some of the benefits of pickled jalapeno peppers:
- Increased energy: pickled jalapeno peppers can help increase energy and reduce fatigue due to the capsaicin content.
- Reduces inflammation: Because jalapeno peppers contain capsaicin, they can help reduce inflammation associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis, muscle pain, and inflammatory bowel disease.
- Rich in Vitamin C: Pickled jalapeno peppers are one of the good sources of Vitamin C which helps to maintain healthy skin, immune system and prevent many diseases.
- Improving digestion: As a type of pickle, this pickle can help digestion and reduce digestive problems.
Reducing the risk of heart diseases: Research has shown that consuming pickled jalapeno peppers can help reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart diseases.
- Helps to lose weight: pickled jalapeno peppers can help to lose weight due to its low calorie and satiety effect.
By using experienced workers and industrial lines with advanced and up-to-date technologies, Company Khazar Osare Varna has been able to process and package this product and distribute it in weights of 200, 480, 680, 1500 grams.
Contact to us , for buying or selling this product:
General Director: Engineer Ibrahim Paski
Cell Phone Name :+98 912 043 7969
Work phone name :+ 9811 33 30 4007
Fax Name:+98 11 33 30 4007
Email address: foodkov@yahoo.com