Pomegranate sauces are completely natural and of high quality, but there are differences between industrial and traditional methods of preparing pomegranate sauce. industrial pomegranate sauce is produced by advanced machines, but traditional pomegranate sauce is prepared at home.
Another difference between industrial and traditional pomegranate sauce is the product preparation time. In the industrial method, a large amount of pomegranate sauce is produced in a short time, but this is not the case in the traditional method. In terms of price, industrial products are different from traditional ones
Food Industry Company Khazar Osare Varna, with more than two decades of successful experience and having a complete set of knowledge, ability, experience and expertise and benefiting from experts and experienced personnel, while providing a wide range of specialized commercial services, exports Pomegranate sauce chi chi las is at the international level.
Pomegranate sauce is a fully mechanized production company and has a great taste. Chi Chi Las Pomegranate sauce can be used in cooking dishes such as sour chicken, beige pomegranate, sour kebab, , etc. Mechanized pomegranate sauce is supplied in sanitary containers so that it reaches the customer completely healthy and hygienic.
The process of producing pomegranate sauce in a completely mechanized company is as follows:
Washing: Pomegranates are washed in the factory by mechanized machines.
Peeling: Pomegranate seeds are separated and sent to the next stage.
Dehydration: Pomegranate seeds are fully mechanically extracted by advanced devices.
Thickening: after juicing the pomegranate, the liquid is transferred to the container on heat to thicken.
Packaging: After these steps, the thick pomegranate paste is packed in suitable containers. And it is supplied to the market in a standard and hygienic way.
This product is completely fresh and high-quality and is offered to customers in different and convenient packages. The fair price of Chi Chi Las pomegranate sauce is very affordable for buyers.
To buy Chi Chi Las Pomegranate sauce directly, you can go to the site and buy it. For more information and coordination, contact the phone numbers listed on the site.
Pomegranate is one of the most beneficial autumn fruits and its consumption is highly recommended. Pomegranate products also have the properties of this fruit. Pomegranate sauce is effective in cleaning the stomach and purifying the blood and improves the function of the brain, heart and liver.
The best time to eat pomegranate is in the morning, fasting, because it causes slimming and weight loss. By consuming sweet and sour pomegranate sauce after every meal, the fatty stomach and liver are strengthened and cleansed.