In many cases, traditional medicine has given solutions and treatments, which are gradually confirmed by experimental and academic sciences. Traditional medicine is based on the consumption of foods and the use of nutrients in them. Bo Ali Sina, as one of the elders of traditional medicine, states that the solution to all diseases is in nature and we must find them. In traditional medicine, different foods have different positions. In this article, we want to talk about the place and properties of tomato paste in traditional medicine. It may surprise you that tomato paste also has healing properties. If you know some of the benefits of this product, you will definitely enjoy it more.
Strengthen the immune system
In traditional medicine, the use of tomato paste at the end of summer and beginning of autumn is highly emphasized. But what is the reason? Traditional doctors believed that consuming tomato paste during these times prevents getting sick during the cold days of the year. Even today, they have come to the conclusion that tomato paste strengthens the body’s immune system and prevents viruses such as influenza from entering the body.
Skin, hair and teeth health
Taking a quick look at the traditional medicine books, we found out that it is mentioned to take tomato paste with food to protect the health of mouth and teeth as well as the shine of the hair and the transparency of the skin. Tomato paste is full of antioxidant properties that destroy harmful microbes in the mouth. Also, the vitamins in tomato paste help to restructure the hair and strengthen its pigments, as a result, your hair becomes shiny and resistant. Tomato paste can be a natural moisturizer for the skin. With these interpretations, tomato paste has a special place in traditional medicine.
Treatment of rheumatism
In the past, when science had not yet reached chemical treatments, tomato paste was used in traditional medicine as a suitable treatment for rheumatism. According to traditional sources, tomato paste can prevent rheumatism.
Better digestion of food
Digestive problems have always been one of the problems of mankind since the beginning of history. Traditional medicine has recommended the use of tomato paste with food to solve this problem. Vitamins and minerals in tomato paste make food easier to absorb and digest. Relieving constipation and treating long-term heartaches have been done with tomato paste.
Obesity Treatment
It may be interesting to you that in the past, tomato paste was used as a diet for weight loss. Tomato paste is full of fiber. Fiber makes people feel full and less inclined to overeat. This issue has been very effective in losing weight.
Cardiovascular strengthening
Tomato paste is a special protector for the heart in traditional medicine. The vitamins in tomato paste increase blood circulation, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and regulate heart rate. Also, tomato paste keeps attacks and threats like stroke away from the heart by creating a feeling of relaxation and strengthening concentration.
Treatment of kidney stones and liver and bladder problems
It has been known for a long time that tomato paste is rich in minerals. These minerals have the ability to remove kidney stones, bladder stones and detoxify the liver. This incident makes many problems and diseases go away from humans, in fact, tomato paste is like a French key in traditional medicine and is used to treat and prevent many diseases.
tomato paste; A combination for health
One of the complementary foods that has many uses in food is tomato paste. Paste is a product that can be found in all Iranian homes and is used in many Iranian and non-Iranian dishes. But most people are unaware of the properties of tomato paste in traditional medicine. By looking at the production process of this product, you can understand its purity and usefulness. Tomato is the heart of nature. Many researchers believe that tomato is one of the most special fruits that conveys the magic of nature to us. Tomato paste is tomato extract. If you pay attention to the production method of this product, you will see that its main basis is only tomatoes. In high heat, tomatoes release their juice and reserve and become a wonderful compound called tomato paste.
In many old traditional medicine books from eastern countries to our beloved Iran, the name of tomato paste shines clearly, even in some of these books, its recipe is mentioned. This made the researchers to start conducting numerous tests on this product. The result was that tomato paste is full of useful and nutritious ingredients. As:
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