Sachet tomato paste chi chi las
October 21, 2023 How to Store Fresh Garlic
October 23, 2023
Vitamins tomato paste
Low vitamin paste, but anti-cancer Lycopene is an antioxidant and anti-cancer compound that reduces heart disease and premature aging, which is responsible for the red color in tomatoes. Usually, when this pigment is heated during the processing of the paste, it has the greatest effect and its ability to be absorbed in the body increases, because of this heat, vitamins, especially vitamin C and folic acid in the paste are destroyed to a large extent. .
As a result, the paste has more lycopene and anticancer properties, but its vitamins are less than fresh tomatoes, and the closer the color of the paste is to the red color of tomatoes, the more antioxidant properties it has.
The health value of tomato paste
Industrial pastes with preservatives quickly mold; Therefore, keep the paste in a closed glass jar and apply a layer of liquid oil to its surface to stop oxygenation and prevent the formation of mold, and finally put the product in the freezer.
Why are some tomato pastes bright red, but others pale red?
Is it true that they say that the redder the paste, the higher its nutritional value?
Do they add color or preservatives to tomato paste?
Is canned peeled tomatoes better or its paste and powder?
Not every red paste is natural. There are many types of tomatoes, but those used to produce paste are divided into two groups: round and pear-shaped. Round tomatoes, as we see in the market, are usually juicy, fleshy, red, seedless and tasty. But pear-shaped tomatoes have a hard texture, little flesh, no color and little ripeness. Now, if round tomatoes are available during the season of preparing the paste, the producer will prepare an unparalleled paste from it. But if the paste is prepared from pear-shaped tomatoes, it has a bright color and a not very pleasant taste, and this indicates that the tomato is of low quality or unripe. Of course, the amount of this poison is controlled in industrial pastes. Also know that some non-committed producers use synthetic dyes to make the paste taste good and the product is more tasteless despite its red color, and this is one of the criteria for detecting its fakeness.

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